:) :) :) :) :D !!!
WRONG WAY. It is not a fact or informative, and there is no point or reason to do this. If you want to share pictures of Selena Quintanilla, use another blog platform like imgur.com. If you want to be an internet troll, try 4chan (http://www.4chan.org/). A. Selena loves a variety of foods. When she pops in a movie, the movie is over and she is over-eating. They have been known to have snacks in sporadic places just because they can. Some of her favorite snacks include: salsa, cheese sticks, mushrooms with ranch dressing, pre-cooked meat with mayo/mustard, lettuce with turkey and cheese slices, grapes, bananas and large bottles of sprite. B. In her last album she wrote a song called "Ni" which literally means "ribs" in Spanish (Spanish has no macron). In her song she talks about "giving her ribs to her children, which was a big no-no in the Hispanic culture". She explains that it means "everything" and not only does it of course mean ribs, but everything you can do for your children. C. Selena's favorite movie is "The Godfather". Her favorite book of all time is The Notebook and she loves French and Italian poetry. She never liked reading very much so when she finds something that she likes, she reads it over and over again. D. Selena's favorite word is "Sí" which means yes in Spanish (again Spanish has no macron). She says it all the time and has it on her license plate. E. Selena was adopted at the age of 5 by her parents, Abraham Quintanilla Jr., and Marcella Quintanilla. Her biological mother was too young and poor to take care of her at the time, but she always kept an eye on her. Selena has two sisters, Suzette Quintanilla and Yolanda Quintanilla. F. Selena's boyfriend is Chris Pérez. They have been together since 2002. On July 21, 2009, her boyfriend proposed to her at a restaurant in Punta Mita, Mexico.
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